As a human being of a certain kind of hair texture that is somewhat rough, stiff, or never soft nor fluffy; and skin color somewhat dark, burnt out, and never light nor preserved; then it is clear that I am nothing else beyond anything from the dark continent.

This is the biological and genetic identity inherited from those who existed before me. Now that I am a natural creature living on another level of civilization, even though I did not just drop from the skies above like a mighty bolt of a lightning.

I was born with nothing to call mine except this physical frame I call my body; and then found everything here created and ready for me to celebrate and cherish.

But above all; when these things that are an integral part of life were created, I was not there; instead, I found them here being amazing as they were and still are; this is what life is about.

But then, I was not brought all alone by the breathtaking powers of destiny to come and explore with what life is capable of; not at all. Instead, I was brought together with my counterparts ; even though not at the same time, at least one by after the other; and not all at the same place. Instead, here and there. It is life.

Naturally; understanding about life came throughout the course of time, since I am also a human being like any other natural creature. 

Because when I was brought to life I could not understand what it is all about even though I had been brought here with the mind in my small and succulent skull; then I had to grow up firstly; be taught; learn; acquire understanding and straightaway make choices.

As I was growing up; being taught and learning; understanding began to slowly but gradually capture my mind, and as such I started having my own views of life, had my own dreams even though certain questions still remained unanswered in me.

I wondered why life was in that way, and also wondered if there was another way besides in relation to how we as contemporary individuals perceived and treated each other.

I was born in a rural and dusty African village of northern province; just in the vicinity of the likes of Jane Furse town as the sprawling borders of the town itself stretches closer towards Steelpoort  and Burghers fort towns nearby; with Petersburg/Polokwane city located towards the northernmost part of them all. And therefore, I was not immune to any traditional and cultural African practice; unless by rebellion or resistance!! 

Initiation practices took central part in the traditional African culture of contemporary communities; so much so that every individual who had never been to such schools was treated with contempt and scorn; or worse off; be called derogatory names to inspire shame and remind them where they belong in society in terms of manhood and womanhood or social class.

It was only a few that considered western education more important than the useless and torturous so-called African initiation practices; after whose graduation young boys would call themselves men, and girls be called women while disrespecting their parents in the process; I just wondered what was the actual importance of the practice itself; because I beheld the future of most of such graduates and former 'boys and girls'' being wasted away even though most parents insisted every child should be taken there willingly or by force.

Well; I told myself later that it is just about everyone with the right to make choice  in this life.

But what if that choice is destructive and void of any beneficial outcome? 

Behind and above these lay the most destructive but cultural practice and paralysis of them all; witchcraft in the name of traditional healing; and only if it was meant for that indeed, then there could have never been any problem with it at all; neither would there be any problem with it by now.

Then why the killing and torture??

Children would go missing without any trace in those times, same applied to family men and women, with some of them being found dead and with missing body parts, at least under low-lying tree branches; and stories about voodoos or ghosts being part of our contemporary lives; it was terrifyingly horrible living in such a state of affairs.

When a store or local shop was under construction, it was a well-known fact that after its completion children will have to be stopped by their parents from moving around at dusk; now that before that particular shop operates, then a child had to be sacrificed and their body parts used as a booster of business performance.

The perpetrators of such heinous and torturous acts would ensure that their objectives are achieved, and before long, one child would die or someone would go missing, leading to the establishment of a store in another location.

But under such circumstances, some people survived; and had to work hard for their true identity while searching for more advanced knowledge and understanding about life!