Life itself is a reality that comes with a variety of conditions and inflexible but natural restrictions to consider and observe. In these observable and binding natural conditions lies our future and direction of our lives as living creatures; and without our proper observance of these natural conditions and restrictions; our life is doomed to a disastrous and bitter ending. 

It cannot be denied that the simplicity of life may at times make it seem as if anything in life can just be committed without any pending consequence; and the dangerous part of it will always be on the nature of the initial commitment undertaken. Now that to each and every consequence preserved; the initial source and factor thereof will always be recalled. 

That has always been the nature of the dynamics of life.

As we cherish and get on with the given life of conditions and restrictions, we would find ourselves bound to show our tenderness to our close associates; and also to respect those who we come into contact with, no matter where or how.

It is just another inflexible element of life; that do have everyone hustling and wrestling in their quest for compliance. Right in the full grip of this typical condition and restriction we are; and nothing else will ever help claim our independence, except our compliance and submission.

Our physical and visible life would not be of total completeness and maturity in the absence of both the heart and mind; and given the generosity of life; we were all found worthy of receiving these two critical and central components of our physicality.

But then; the presence of these two crucial attributes in our visible life is not without any purpose; rather a lot more of that.

As we take advantage of these physical attributes that are a sign of both completeness and maturity; we would find ourselves in most cases tempted to utilize them to the best capacities of the impulse of negativity.

That is the main reason that we would at times find ourselves confused and wondering what it is that had initially happened to ensure a certain frustrating reality and experience. And the final truth will always be found in the nature of our initial commitment as to why things ended up in a certain manner. 

Our utilization of these central components of physical life has been characterized by a lot of unfortunate and unjustifiable incidents; it became clearer as time went on that the impulse of negativity and bestiality had found a perfect haven in us as living creatures. And as the consequence of the negative impulse is directed to our door steps; we would then tend to become frustrated and confused as to why if life is perfect then such realities materialize and become possible. 

But again; it is not a simple thing to find the real factor behind a particular consequence given the complicated nature of life; it is just a matter of the extent of the naturally given experience that one can understand that fact.

That is the main reason most of the living identities would get baffled by the complicated nature of their surroundings sometimes; much as it is that knowledge and understanding would be finding its way to the lucky few concerning certain things in life. That is how life is and there is nothing we can do.

The nature of the contents of the heart and mind has always been observed and realized from the nature and form of actions; and it does not matter what racial or tribal identification; since no race or tribe is special above the other.

And if history can be used as a standard or criteria through which to measure the extent of the utilization of these two natural attributes; it would become clear and true that the impulse of bestiality have found a promising and fertile ground in the hearts of the living creatures.

And the possibility might be there that had we chosen not to invite the wrongful impulses into our lives before; then we would not have ended up where we are by now in terms of history; and the world itself would not be what it is today.

Since the capacities of the heart and mind had always been challenged and troubled by wrongful impulses and desires; then out of them, we as the natural living creatures would find ourselves in certain times tempted to do whatever we can to satisfy our desires.

We would also issue certain contemptuous remarks against each other only when driven by impulses of negativity; with acts and deeds of hatred characterizing our personality; and it is not amazing then that we ended up driving ourselves into tribal divisions whose philosophical and ideological principles revolved around negativity.

Much as we did in terms of racial identification; and out of the consequences of the wrongful impulse, we also tended to kill and shed each other's blood as we had hidden ourselves behind a mere wrongful and bestial pretext of tribalism and racism.

It does not come out as something quite astounding then; that as some racial and tribal identities ended up searching for ways and alternate means through which to demonstrate ultimate bestiality against others; witchcraft or even sorcery was then found as a perfect and main tool through which to fulfil the ends of the evil and wicked impulse. While also using the pretext of hair texture and skin color to exonerate our demonstratively wrongful deeds of brutality on the basis of racial differences.

Sadly; as the culture of the wrongful and bestial impulse became more elusive on the African continent; it saw the advancement of sorcery and witchcraft.  From being a tribal-based practice and mean of physical punishment to a more prevalent and usual form of cultural practice on a domestic level; where a fellow sibling would choose to dominate their counterparts through the use of witchcraft and sorcery, much as they would have done so to members of their neighborhood. 

The African continent was getting reduced into a scene of brutality that way; sometimes in the name of traditional healing; with the whole universe itself being reduced into a scene of bloodshed and extreme brutality demonstrative of sheer hatred and desire to be harmful and evil. 

Only when racial warfare immersed every existing living creature of the universe.