As part of my passion and appreciation for literary material; I would find myself spending more money on different publications while wishing there is nothing more to be done except sitting down there at home and going through pages of each publication in the absence of annoying noisy little children; just in a quiet and peaceful surrounding instead. But then; things won't always happen according to one's own wishes at all; now that the dynamics of life are beyond the control of any living creature; where when destiny had eventually taken a particular decision nothing would do anything to change the wave of tide; instead, things would just happen according to natural plans of destiny.

Suddenly, all my dreams came crashing in on me; I was left with nothing to help turn the hands of destiny as they were fulfilling their natural tasks; but hopefully, one best thing that I could have ever done so far was to stand up and try another mean of getting things to work for the better. I wondered how can one live like that; just idling around all day long with all manner of literary material around them but without any proper and stable source of income, all in the face of tough and somewhat challenging domestic responsibilities to carry out. It became soundless to me, surely!!

Therefore, it was clear to me that change of lifestyle is necessary; and that was the only concession I had to make; now that I had also become an adult myself, and I had to show that adult material of mine while giving up all the spoiled childish attitudes and mentalities.

My father had just passed away several years then; and my mother alongside my granny had to see to it that something is always available on the table for little children's tiny but insatiable stomachs; and as being part of the domestic unit my contributions would be most welcomed for them; and as such; there was no need for embarrassment no matter how painful the sudden change in lifestyle was perceived, both by me and the family alike; I had to pack up my everything; bid everyone farewells; promise my upcoming    return and straightaway move out!!

It was over the spoiled attitude; the time for its demise had eventually come; destiny had decided it and t I had to comply. I told myself !!

Fast-forward into the depths of the new lifestyle, I was still at pangs with what had just happened even though I had no powers to turn the tide; but then given the inborn and natural instincts of one, the change of lifestyle never mean the change of one's identity and natural habits; for one could still remain the person who they used to be deep inside there no matter what new times, and therefore; there was nothing that could have changed the internal identity of mine also, despite the challenging times; be it sexy girls of the new frontiers I had migrated to; or new friends from new neighborhoods or even a well-paying job of any kind whatsoever; for such things never help to wipe away one's natural instincts; even some of my newly found friends of different gender were getting bored at times because of the ideologies I maintained, I was criticized for having to be in pursuit of the meaningful; dignified and disciplined livelihood.

After all, that's what life is all about; for one will have to be in pursuit of dignity; discipline and meaningful livelihood no matter what happens.