And as a the owner of this part of the site; I therefore feel compelled to make certain facts about me available so that anyone can come to know a little bit about what person I am in terms of how I see and understand this life.


Like any other child I  had been to school  also , and learnt all about this and that,  and also had one kind of  dream  or the other; and eventually graduated here and there.

But then such academic achievements never meant   the end of my  dreams and intended goals; no; I mean I still had a lot of things I strongly wished for as a modern and younger personality in pursuit of  a well civilized but classic living; meaning that I had to struggle very hard to be who and what I wished I could be.

It was just the beginning of a long and wearisome journey and  a search for a modern  and well-advanced life  on my part!!

And now; with everything that had been achieved of me being in my own reach  so far; and all that had been missed being out of my reach; the best thing I  believe  I can do is to become accepting of what this  life can decide at times, now that even if  one can be somewhat quarrelsome and blasphemous there shall  be no  available alternative  to help  change the direction and fundamental progression of   life. 

I've learnt to accept and understand the dynamics and progression of this life.

Going back a little; I have always been this kind of person who is obsessed with books and had appreciation for all things literary; something that seemed boring for most of my friends back then given the fact that most of them were obsessed with things of manhood; and manhood meant nothing beside having to attend initiation school; be circumcised and eventually become the so-called grown-up man or woman. Something that was the last priority  in my life surely; especially given the fact that I had always been pliable to my parents and considered them as my truthful advisors; so much so that every warning they issued to me I heeded; 'Go to school and learn  hard rather; for in those circumcision schools of theirs there is nothing beneficial  or to be proud of; just a waste of money and time instead''; my mother and her mother always advised me and I heeded their advice!

That was back then; and here is to another era now.