There is no human being that was thrown into life by just falling from the skies above like a mighty bolt of a lighting; neither is there any human being who was thrown into life with a piece of any defined kind of mineral resource in their hands; nor piece of land on their back; no; not at all; we were all born of parents instead; being naked and empty-handed like that; found everything right here already created and ready for us to cherish and celebrate even though we might not be knowing when all these things were created and formed; or by whom and how. 

We had to be groomed by our parents back then out of the experience they had already gotten in life; taught about this and that; and eventually we became adults ready to come face to face with an independent life of adulthood; and from there make decisions on our own; based on the experience already acquired through the lessons learned from those who were born before us; even to decide what life to follow or tradition to adopt and adhere to; and as natural as it is always the case; we later on became compelled to make our final decisions in terms of what traditional culture to adopt and adhere to while being driven by the power of a certain powerful impulse; driving and compelling us into a particular direction in terms of lifestyle and personal character; and out of that personal character our personal identity was then determined; and out of the established personal character and identity the society in which we are living became influenced in a certain manner.

 And of course; through the nature of our behaviours and commitments of our deeds it was later on seen clearly; and became understood concerning what impulse is behind our character; and what type of ancestry we are actually representing; and from there the legendary tittle of the concerned  ancestry was absorbed of us; we were compelled to  represent it afterwards; live with it and become part of it; unless we otherwise choose to defy and resist it in any available and possible mean; and only by then  we could be free from the legendary tittle itself, and then the underlying impulse driving and inspiring that  culture and tradition exclusive to that  tittle would not be the part and parcel of our lives again.

As our actions  reveals and talk more about us; our attempts to conceal and hide who we are will never help doing us anything out of the ordinary; rather expose a lot more about us no matter what claims coming from our part; as physical beings; about who and what we are not; and in the nature of the actions of ours our standing point in  life will always be known and understood as far as the life of ancestry and descendancy is concerned. 

The truth about whose descendants and whose children we are; from the ancestral perspective; will never be easy to erase even though we might try very hard to do so; now that the biological gene that ensured the availability of our physical frames can never be eliminated from our physicality as long as it has already been installed in us; lest our physical frames be rendered desolate and utterly destroyed.

So, it is clear that as long as we have that ancestral gene in us; then our behaviours in one way or the other will represent that ancestral orientation; since what has already been installed naturally can never be undone manually; unless when looking for the benefits and results that are more manual than natural.

Therefore; even though some of us might hasten to conclude and insist that what has happened in the past belongs right there; and should never be allowed to proceed to where we are belonging by now; then we may be wrong in doing so; now that before the present existed the past had to exist; and for the present to be more perfect the previous faults and mistakes of the past should be cleared in action and rectified; much as it is that for the present to look quite desolate and impure; the previous perfection and purity will have to be defiled and undone in action; now that there is no future that can be existent in the absence of the past; and as long as the future  exists so the past would be in that line of existence also; much as it is that as long as certain deeds are being committed in the same future then certain incidents of the past would be recalled. 

But; the natural truthfulness of the existence of ancestry does not mean that whatever desolation and  impurity; guaranteed and warranted by the people of the past; is a compulsory and genetic burden to be passed on from one generation straight into another future; neither does it mean that it is impossible for the perfection and purity; maintained and advanced by the people of the past; to go without any element of profanity guaranteed by the present generation; nor can it mean that the recklessness of the present generation in defiling those perfect and pure things of the past will end up being a common trend to be followed and accepted by everyone in the present times, without the possibility of condemnation and actual resistance coming from certain portions of the very same present generation; for truly speaking even there in the past there were certain components of the contemporary generation that stood on the crossroads with the other as far as things of perfection and imperfection are concerned; even the things of purity and impurity. 

Therefore; it is clear that whatever deed the present generation is committing itself into will always fall into one class and part of these two  sides of life; that is purity and impurity; much as it has always been the case with the past generation from which the present generation descended; and as the same generation of the past received certain benefits and consequences based on their common commitments and deeds; so shall be this same present generation; and it will depend on  the kind of commitments the present generation is up to; and how prepared it is to bear the benefits directed to  it based on its initial and common commitments.

However; it may be easy and simple for the present generation to keep distancing itself from commitments of the past; at least through the word of mouth alone; while in action its demonstrations are highly connected and linked to those of a certain class or part of the past generation; something quite natural though; now that for each and every deed that certain components of the present generation executes; there will have to be a certain connection and link that is rooted somewhere in the past; no matter what denial of that particular connection and link.

It can still not be denied that there may be certain components of the present generation that maintains they won't suffer a certain feat that is similar to the people who existed before them; even though such arrogant assertions may be made out of the claims of our own mouths while our actions are clearly similar to those of our own ancestors; and through the existing similarity between our actions and those of the past generation; it will then stand clear that what life found the past generation worthy of; based on its commitments and deeds; shall also apply to the present generation as long as its present deeds are here to represent a certain class of the past generation that deserved the particular benefit and suffered a certain feat.

But it is not impossible for the present generation to seek certain measures of avoidance of similar feat suffered by components of its predecessors; for as long as certain components of the past generation had chosen to stand on the crossroads with another on matters of purity and impurity; then it is still possible for that stand-off to flare up once again on such matters of perfection and imperfection; and after all; it will still  depend on the side which  components of the present generation  represents in the life  and world of ancestry.