Now; life itself cannot be complete in the absence or exclusion of visibility; tangibility and activeness; where the realness of things could be proven through their activeness and visible nature, hence the formation of the physical universe.
This is a place where everything physical is to be observed and proven; a place where things are to be proven through practical and visible activeness; so that the realness of life can be manifested and fulfilled; for without this place life itself would become meaningless and useless.
The subjects of this same phenomenon were not meant to actively proceed in the absence of certain limits that restrict them to a certain point, now that life was formed in the beginning based on certain rules that dictated every step of the process.
The undermining of the same limits will always see the concerned subject presenting itself in a certain manner that is beyond the standards of normalcy, thus adopting a certain character of abnormality, where the things that had not to be done are turned into a common practice whereas those that should be done are ignored and rejected.
It is always because of incidents of this nature that life becomes angry with its subjects sometimes.
The glories of life are all packed in this same object of testimonial; the physical universe, now that in the absence of sources of glory happiness could not exist at all; and where happiness is non-existent then the true meaning of life could not be proven, and that is the main reason the physical universe had to be formed in the first place, so as to come and bear the testimony of the generosity of life.
The subjects of life, that has since been formed and then thrown into this object of testimonial, are having no available choice but to treat the given glories with respect, so that out of their respect it could then be proven how far they appreciate the life given to them, and so that out of their respect their true responsibility can also be proven, now that in the absence of a certain commitment then no truthfulness could be proven.
And even though one subjects might claim truthfulness its actions will always bear that testimony.
Since this is a place where the realness of life had to be proven through activeness and visibility, then it will always be the result of the same actions that certain decisions are made as certain consequences are realised, for in life there is nothing that can better contract certain consequences more than the actual commitment itself, where the things that are encountered are based on the previous actions.
It is because of the fact that the physical universe is a place of activeness.
However; despite the fact that life was naturally given to every creature of the physical universe in the first place, there were certain natural regulations to be followed or obeyed, and with which to govern the same universe.
First the living organisms that had been given that right to life had to respect each other, and then never become destructive of their permanent settlement.
None of them was there to pose as the ruler of everything, nor pretend to be owning this same natural settlement of everyone down there.
But on the other hand; respect itself does not come without certain recommendations at all, now that wherever it is present or compelling to practice this same respect, each character would find itself compelled to see the other as an equal; without having to feel dominant to the other no matter what extra physical power it might possess; now that the given power would be there for a certain reason that is even far more better than the brutal act itself.
All these things are naturally so simply because of the fact that this same permanent settlement was formed for love; and created with the very same love, where the generosity of life can be proven at all costs, and where every living creature can celebrate the gentle grace of life, down there on the physical universe.