The consequences of our commitments and deeds are the most crucial aspects of our lives as ordinary mortals; they can help reflect the nature of our mental state and expose the contents of our heart and feelings, they can help carve our true personal identity and determine our permanent destination. And the truthfulness of our personal identity and permanence of our destination can be diverted through the exploitation of such tools initially implemented to meet our common desires.
There can never be any appropriate explanation to better describe the motive and source behind the facilitation of witchcraft than hatred and mischief. And the direction of our destination as natural mortals is where it is by now simply because of these two interchanging aspects. Hatred and mischief. Out of the two the formulation of racism and tribalism materialized and succeeded; and as the masters of racism worldwide worked hard to see its success; so were the masters of tribalism on the African continent; they could not escape the spell of hatred and mischief as it held them down and ravaged them from inside their hearts and minds.
And the results of the deadly virus and its impact were to be proven almost irreversible and irreparable in the long run; and out of the spell and effect of the virus the whole world was cursed and plagued with sheer amounts of hatred and bloodshed.
Hatred alongside mischief can make one feel exonerated and justified to destroy and kill; it can make one feel proud to be contemptuous and cruel; and it can also make one feel dignified and honorable to oppress and torture.
Out of the spell of this kind of impulse, our surroundings were impacted and the universe in general was influenced in a particular way; and the direction of life channelled into a particular destination. Our commitments and deeds helped determine the nature of our destination, as we found it difficult and almost impossible to expel and dismiss the spell of hatred and mischief every time it troubled and tormented us. Instead, we chose to entertain and welcome it every time it challenged us and shook our hearts and minds; and here we are today; and here are the consequences of hatred and mischief.
For that matter of hatred and mischief; it can only take the most dumb and ignorant to insist or maintain that slavery alongside tribalism were not devised on the basis of these two aspects of bad impulse.
Much as it can take the most stubborn to contend that it was just a matter of natural progression that the people of the universe were divided into tribal groups that are supposed to hate each other. It can at least be better and understandable for one to maintain that naturally two races were created out of humanity. Black and white.
But the fact that two races of humanity were naturally created does not condone; exonerate; nor approve the troublesome problem that is racism; neither does it give us a right as members of either race to be brutal and cruel towards others.
It can only be a matter of evil determination to hate and kill someone on the basis of racial identity; for no matter what different races in terms of hair texture and skin color; the fact that we are all living creatures can never be erased nor overruled. It will always stand predominant and compelling instead; same applies to the need to love and respect one another.
Tribalism on its own is not a natural phenomenon nor a justifiable form of living; its origins are based on deep fraternal disunity and endless enmity that culminated in brutal bloodshed.
For when the evil and wicked impulse of hatred and mischief started gaining too much of control within the hearts and minds of members of the once united family; knowledge and understanding started to escape from their midst. And in the absence of the knowledge and understanding consciousness failed; and out of loss of conscience the capacity to differentiate between the good and bad failed; and as a result of the failure evilness and wickedness flourished. And as wickedness flourished, bloodshed became a normality; hatred a new cult and tribalism a way of life.
The impulse of evilness and wickedness had found great favor from among members of one family. And its agents sought to consolidate the powers of the same mischievous impulse; one generation after the other, they all fell to the hands of the agents of a mischievous impulse.
And like the facilitators of such a brutality and wickedness, the conscience of those new generations failed. They could not see any further than around such lost ideologies and philosophies of tribalism instilled within their minds by those who lived before them.
The impact thereof prove to be almost irreparable and irreversible as the African continent was finally reduced into a scene of brutality and bloodshed in the name of tribalism.